MalaMoon came to life when two friends decided that bringing wellness and happiness into the world was really at the heart of their own souls. Once we realised that we started to think about how we can share what we have learnt with the universe. Our mission statement: build a collaborative community of like-minded humans.
So who are we? Just two women. Our back story involves many years working in the fast paced corporate world, working through broken marriages and relationships, having children, illness and managing grief as we watched close family members pass. We both found different ways to manage the natural rigour of what can only be described as ordinary life. We know that everyone experiences some degree of the above, and a whole host of other challenges we can only dream of. Life, in and of itself unites humanity.
We found over time that we both manage life somewhat differently, yet entirely complementary. One of us is drawn to yoga, health and nutrition and the other to the complexity of the mind and counselling. The common thread being, finding a level of spirituality and mindfulness, that carries us through life’s ups and downs.
When we pressed pause on the chaos of existing we started to look forward to the next chapter in our diary of life, and MalaMoon was born.
What to expect?
A little of everything we feel is important to share with you. We couldn’t list it all right now, but it will include a little of our skills and how you can become part of the journey of MalaMoon. We hope you follow us on our various social media accounts and enjoy reading and relating to our blog. More than anything we hope to see you at a MalaMoon Event soon.
“Everything in the Universe is within you.
Ask all from yourself.”